50 ADA test programme.
Reduced programme delivery timeline by 18 weeks.

Albertsons needed to update 2,000+ stores to meet national and municipal ADA guidelines. They identified 50 stores that would be part of a test programme to help them create a programme plan to update the 2,000+ stores with minimal disruption to daily operations.
Sevan worked with Albertsons’ Store Remodel Construction Team to reimage their outdated stores. Sevan provided existing conditions assessments along with budgeting estimates and programme management services to help update the properties with minimal disruption to traffic and sales.
Sevan successfully executed the 50-store test phase of the ADA Upgrade Programme. The programme scope was completed 18 weeks ahead of schedule and spanned 11 different geographical areas Albertsons occupied. The programme provided Albertsons with the information they needed to determine how to proceed with the remaining sites that still needed to be remodeled.