LA Green Building Code qualified.
20% reduction in water consumption.
Installed Air Filters with MERV 8+.

CKE (Carl’s Jr.) leveraged Sevan’s design expertise for new restaurant to meet the challenges of the Los Angeles Green Building Code (LAGBC) to reduce the building’s energy and water use, reduce waste, and reduce the carbon footprint.
Sevan designated a waste collection area on-site during construction with clear documentation to ensure materials were properly disposed of and diverted away from landfills. The project adhered to VOC and formaldehyde limits and included air filters with a MERV (min efficiency reporting value) of 8 or higher, MERV-13 or higher if located within 1000 feet of a freeway. Additionally, bicycle racks were included in the design to encourage alternate modes of transportation, and designated outdoor smoking areas a minimum of 25’ from entries, windows, or air intakes.
Sevan achieved these green requirements through several design elements. The building achieved a 20% reduction in water consumption, and water budgeting for landscape irrigation was implemented. Exterior entries were protected from water intrusion and nonabsorbent flooring materials were used within 2 feet of the main entrance